Adult Services
Putnam Library Book Discussion
The Book Discussion group meets once a month on Wednesday at 5:30 pm. Please see the Event Calendar for the next date and book to be discussed. Books are available in the library in the month before the discussion.
Senior Book Discussion
The Senior Book Discussion meets in the library at 12:30 pm once a month after the TVCCA lunch held at the Municipal Complex. Books are available in the library in the month before the discussion.
Tech Time
Frustrated with your laptop or tablet? Schedule an hour with us at your convenience to ask your tech questions, fill in those knowledge gaps and personalize your device. Call us at 860-963-6826 or leave your name and phone number at the Adult Desk. This is the perfect opportunity to ask, "How do I _____?".
Ongoing Adult Programs
- The Scrabble Club meets every Monday night from 6-8 pm. Bring your word acumen and competitive spirit!
- Stitches needlework program meets the first Monday of every month at 1 pm. All are welcome at this open needlework session- bring what you are working on!
- A bridge group meets at the library on Thursdays at 1 pm. If you are interested in joining please leave your name and number at the Adult desk.
Periodic programs on various topics; such as craft, historical or environmental, are offered throughout the year for adults. These programs are located either in the library program rooms or in the larger community rooms. The library is interested in offering programming which will encourage people to learn new things throughout their life. Check our Events Calendar for upcoming programs. Suggestions for additional services and activities are always welcome.
The library offers outreach to homebound patrons in the Town of Putnam. Please call the library at 860-963-6826 to request this service.