Job Resource Center
Finding a job can be hard. We're here to help. Here are some resources to help your search and career development. If you need further assistance, please reach out to the Department of Economic and Community Development.
Local Available Jobs
CT State Community College Quinebaug Valley
One of the Town's greatest resources for career development is CT State Community College Quinebaug Valley.
They offer a wide variety of Workforce Development and Continuing Education options.
For more information, connect with their Career Services.
The College offers resume and cover letter development, interviewing guides, and more.
Some careers include: certified nurse aid, phlebotomy technician, community health worker, security guard, veterinary assistant, real estate, and trades.
EASTCONN Adult & Community Programs
EASTCONN promotes and supports lifelong learning for parents, workers, and residents of northeastern Connecticut. Applications available for:
Summer Work
High School Completion
English Language Learners
Healthcare Careers
CT State Community College Quinebaug Valley offers a range of positions in the healthcare field including both non-patient and direct patient care. Many career plans are short-term, job-focused training.
Eastern Connecticut Workforce Investment Board (EWIB) created an Eastern CT Healthcare Pipeline Initiative providing no-cost training for individuals who are unemployed or under-employed. Some careers include: dental assistant, pharmacy technician, medical coding/billing, and more.
Manufacturing Careers
CT State Community College Quinebaug Valley offers specific Manufacturing Professional Development. The College also offers programming to gain an Advanced Manufacturing Certificate.
Eastern Connecticut Workforce Investment Board (EWIB) offers a Manufacturing Pipeline Initiative. These trainings are short-term and no-cost to all participants. Trainings are located, depending on trade, at QVCC or Three Rivers Community College.
The Town often has job opportunities. Click here to see if you qualify for any positions.