GIS Maps and Property Cards Information
Click this link below OR read on for instructions; NOTE: site works best in Chrome browser
For Maps:
Once you have clicked the link below, you will be brought to MainStreetMaps where you can search by street address, parcel ID (map and lot) or owner name, located on the upper right of your screen.
To zoom in or out, either use the "+" or "-" or the roller on your mouse.
On the left side of your screen, you will see a list of layers that you can pick from. For assessment purposes you may want to check the boxes for Parcel ID Text, Parcel Area Text and Parcel Dimension Text. Please note that some of these are automatically set up to only view once you are zoomed in to a certain degree.
For an aerial view (satellite), at the top of the screen there is a drop down menu for "Base Map"; it is defaulted to the Town Base Map but you will need to pick the next option, "Aerial Photo 2012".
For Field Cards:
Once you have found your parcel, at the top of the map is a selection of buttons, click on the blue button with the "i" and then click somewhere inside the parcel you want. A pop up will appear with 3 options, general parcel information, a Main Street property record card and a PDF version of the Vision card, printed on 7/8/2016; pick which you would like. The Main Street card data is up to date with our office information and the Vision card shows how the property stood 7/8/2016.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at